The Silver Earring
Finding a lost item by asking for help
I bought myself a new pair of expensive silver earrings specifically for an upcoming singing performance. Then I went to the YMCA fitness center at ten o’clock in the morning to do my usual aerobic workout. When I emerged from the public shower, I saw that one of my pricey new purchases had disappeared from my earlobe. Aghast, I thought I just had to find it. I looked all over the floor, the shower stall, and the counters, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Where on earth is it?
I asked God in a desperate prayer, “Please help me find my earring.” Then I relaxed, knowing it would be taken care of. I thought about my friend Kathie who also had a YMCA membership and thought she might be going there later that day. So, I called her.
“I lost one of my new silver earrings, Kathie. Will you please see if it’s around anywhere when you go to the Y?”
“What does it look like?”
“It’s silver and shaped like a teardrop.”
Later that night after ten o’clock, I got a call from Kathie, who sounded excited. This was twelve hours after I’d lost my earring.
“I was leaving the front door of the YMCA when a woman I didn’t know came running up behind me and asked me ‘Is this your earring?’” Kathie said. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. This lady was dangling your silver earring!”
A true story from Sprinkles from Heaven - Stories of Serendipity by Carolyn Jaynes, M.A